Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Day at Catalina Island - Sat. 3-02-13

Continuing with my Birthday Celebration...
off to Catalina Island.
Booked the tour with Cardiff tours...headed out on a luxury bus to Long Beach early in the a.m. to catch the Catalina Express @ 10 a.m. to the island.
Passed by the Queen Mary as we were heading out of the harbor.
A beautiful day...nice and warm sitting outside on the deck.
Looking back onto Long Beach...with Old Glory swaying in the breeze.
Santa Catalina is one of the Channel Islands, a string of eight semi-submerged mountains off the Southern California coastline.
Coming into Avalon Harbor...a 22 mile crossing...only took an hour.
As we approach, I feel like we're in the Caribbean.  Here's the historic Catalina Casino.  The circular white Casino building, opened in 1929, and is Catalina's most recognizable sight.
Catalina was Hollywood's home away from home, and casino gigs were highly sought after. 
Arriving on the island.
A beach...are we in the Caribbean?  Beautiful blue waters, too.
Strolling over to the Casino...we see this fountain.
...and the beautiful gardens at the Casino.
The building's founder was chewing gum mogul William Wrigley, Jr. In 1919, he purchased controlling interest in the island and Catalina's modern history was sealed. He brought his Chicago Cubs baseball team here for spring training and hired big bands to play at the Casino in Avalon.
The Art Deco murals outside of the Casino are quite spectacular.
Are we sure we're not in the Caribbean? 
Scuba divers in full wet suit's got to be chilly in those waters!
Strolling back from the casino, we find these beautiful tiled walls.
My favorite...of course.
Lunch at Steve's Steakhouse...heard it was the best place for fish on the island. 
A steakhouse for fish?
The view from Steve's...
With four hours to explore the island...we headed up side streets...looks like New England here.
...and waterfront pubs... the beaches.
Ended our stroll of Avalon at the Bison. 
The bison are a Catalina curiosity--14 of them were left here during the filming of a movie in 1924; now a herd of about 150 roam free.
Now we want to come back and spend more time on Catalina...there is more to see and explore here.
A great day!  And, I like it because it's like the "islands, mon."

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