Some boo hoo's this month...the Canadians are gone!
And, the Marilyn statue in Palm Springs is gone, too.
Went to the exit ceremony...and Carol Channing showed up.
Easter Dinner at our house with our neighbors. 4-20
Another visit (4-22) to the Living Desert to see my favorites...
and the new baby giraffe, Kubwa.
And again on 5-23 to see how Kubwa has grown.
Here's looking at YOU!
Then there were more concerts at Spotlight 29...
how about a Rolling Stones tribute (4-25).
And, then there were more...the Bee Gees (5-10) and Johnny Cash (5-16) tributes.
Always great and always free.
Can't miss another Happy Hour at the Cliff House before
the Alaskans (Pam & Chris) leave the end of April.
May was filled with more tennis and water aerobics...we're the only ones left.
Not much partying going on.
But the Thursday night concerts at the Palm Desert amphitheater got us out of the house.
See you now in Tahoe.