Another hike with the Senior Center out to Joshua Tree National Park...about a 20 mile ride from Indio to reach the southernmost boundary of the park, then another 8 miles to the Cottonwood Visitor's Center. Formerly a National Monument, Joshua Tree was promoted to National Park status in 1994 and was extended by 230,000 acres---mainly remote mountainous regions. Was hoping to see lots of wildflowers in bloom...and we'll see.
Heading out...there were 17 of us...hoping to reach our final destination of the Lost Palms Oasis...about a 4 mile journey in...
First stop to a Palm Oasis...always amazed at these majestic palms.
Yep, the wildflowers were out...and I just so happened to buy a Wildflower now I can identify here goes...Canterbury Bells.
Got to wear sleeveless on this hike...was over 100 degrees in the valley, but cooler up here. Drank lots of water.
Heading up...we always like 'ups' on the way in...knowing you come 'down' on the way out.
Interesting rock formations all along the hike.
Always wondered what this cactus was I know...Hedgehog...they were prolific.
Stopping for a water break...only half way there.
Aren't we cute?
A Sand Blazing Star....
A Mojave Aster...(there's going to be a quiz at the end)
...and desert Mistletoe
An Octotillo favorite desert plant
...all were filled with blooms. The one planted in our yard is blooming, but is not green yet.
and more rock formations. Allan and I thought the topography was the best ever of all of our hikes so far.
Now we're to head down to the Lost Palms Oasis...some of the group have already turned around once they saw the down into the grove.
...but some of us went for it and headed down a very steep and rocky trail...
...while some stayed at the top like Allan.
Only 6 of us forged ahead to finally reach the Lost Palms Oasis...
...and it was worth the final trek.
Climbing out...lots of nice natural stair steps in the park...makes for good footing.
A Barrel Cactus...just starting to bloom.
Little purple flower (this wasn't on my chart)
Our round trip hike was 8 miles total... which we decided was our maximum length for hiking...needless to say we were exhausted, hot, and hungry by the time we got home. Went to the pool to cool off, then laid on the couch the rest of the day.
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