Since it was going to be in the high 90's in the valley, we decided to head out to the high desert and visit Joshua Tree National Park where it was about 20 degrees cooler. An all day adventure! Took lunch and our hiking gear to spend the day exploring.
Drove in through the eastern part of the park which is part of the Colorado Desert, and is below 3,000 feet above sea level. We came upon this Cholla Cactus Gardens. Decided not to hike through these since they are called Jumping chollas...they like to attach to anything that touches them.
The wildflowers were still blooming (can't find these in my flower book)
Couldn't pass up climbing these rocks...fascinating topography!
and more flowers (or these)
Stopped for lunch at White Tank camp ground...heading into the western half of the park, with elevations above 3,000 feet...which is part of the Mojave Desert.
...and then decided to explore this area.
Looks like someone just piled up all those rocks, but it was a result of volcanic activity eons ago.
Trails just meander through the boulders....
...and my game was coming up with names for the rock formations...this one I named "Whale Rock". Found some that looked like Dopey of Snow White; another that looked like a seal, another that resembled a manatee, and I went on and on. Allan wasn't as excited about my name game as I was...especially after naming about 15 rocks. I have such an imagination!
A hedgehog cactus....
Drove back to this area to check out "Split Rock"...and
...this is what we found.
...and more flowers...a Mojave Aster
Decided to get off the main road and drive back to the Barker Dam trailhead ...just a mile loop trail. Allan was intrigued...wondering how they got the materials out there to build the dam...definitely no roads. Barker Dam was built around 1900 to hold water for cattle and mining
Found this red cactus hiding under a rock at Barker Dam...haven't seen that one before.
As we were leaving the Barker Dam trail came upon the blooming Mojave Yuccas...their blossoms are huge.
Just in case you didn't know what a Joshua Tree looked like...
Once we left the park, we headed over to Pioneertown just outside Yucca about it in the paper...lots of concerts go on out there. I heard that some western movies were filmed here.
And...this is how I ended the day!